2015年11月16日 星期一

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Couples look - B&W Part II

Black and White - Part II

For the gentlemen:
Going for the Pendleton vintage look, I wore my blue polka dot braces and baker boy cap. I love wearing the braces, especially when your trousers fight quite snugly. They just make you feel so much more comfortable and free,
Better to look a little quirky than very boring!
 Black and white will always go well together, because of their striking contrast. Use it to your advantage! Taking pictures at night with contrasting backgrounds will help create good effects.
My baseball pitch pose?
 A good photographer can work angles to her advantage to make the picture even more stunning.
Mmmm, good form ...
 Always try to show off your best asset whenever you get a chance!
Wonder what's MY best ASSet?

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